2016年4月6日 星期三



To influence others, listen to their ideas first
People don't like being forced to do things, even if you touch them lightly, they will be unhappy. Therefore, if you want someone to do something, such as changing his behavior, accepting new strategies, etc., it's better to motivate him rather than force him to do it.
The best way is to listen to him, not to urge him with your needs and wills. Try to understand the source of your colleagues' ideas. Don't try to defend your position, explain your ideas, or try to offer others some amendments. If you don't pre-judge what people need (which may be quite different from your own thinking), when time is ripe, you can communicate more effectively by doing so again.
Instead, remember to listen to him and ask him, "What does this mean to you? How do you feel? How do you feel about it?
You are willing to listen and respect his attitude, which will have a certain influence on him in the future.

