2016年4月1日 星期五


  1. 助人時,請注意對他的尊重。幫助他人是個美德。但是,有些時候也會遇到對方不領情的狀況,自己的熱臉貼到冷屁股上了。因此,當你下次要助人時,請注意先他有維護尊嚴、權威、地位、面子的需求。
  2. 你必須對他負責。對他提供援助若不得法,是要對他受到的損害負責的。例如,你不夠專業,反而弄巧成拙,讓對方陷入更困難的局面。又如,在你援助的過程中,侵犯了他的隱私。這些,都必須在你決定提供幫助前,先思考清楚。
Respect for helping others
Chinese proverb: [Helping others is the foundation of happiness. However, please don't only think about your own happiness, but also consider the feelings of the other party.
Below, there are two principles. Please pay attention to them.
  1. When helping others, please pay attention to his respect. Helping others is a virtue. However, sometimes they will encounter other people's ungrateful situation, their hot face sticking to the cold buttocks. Therefore, the next time you want to help others, please pay attention to his need to maintain dignity, authority, status and face.
  2. You must be responsible for him. If it is not lawful to provide assistance to him, he is responsible for the damage he has suffered. For example, you're not professional enough, but you're self-defeating, making the other party into a more difficult situation. For example, in the course of your assistance, you infringed on his privacy. All of these must be thought through before you decide to help.

