你是否曾經因為某個同事沒有做好她的工作而申飭她? 或是,你是否因為自己錯過了一個重要的期限,而影響到了同事的進度?
- 承認你做錯了。擔負起你該有的責任。
- 表現出你了解所造成的影響。不要假設你知道你的同事的感覺或是她如何想, 直接的說出你已經對她產生了負面的影響。
- 告訴她你以後會如何做。向她確保你以後不會再犯同樣的錯誤。告訴她你以後會改正。
Make a meaningful apology
Have you ever applied to a colleague for not doing her job well? Or have you missed an important deadline and affected the progress of a colleague?
When you affect others because of your own mistakes, please correct them in the following ways:
- Admit that you did wrong. Take on your responsibilities.
- Show that you understand the impact. Don't assume that you know how your colleague feels or how she thinks, just say that you have had a negative impact on her.
- Tell her what you will do in the future. Make sure you don't make the same mistake again. Tell her you'll correct it later.