- 迎接擔心與寂寞。換工作經常連帶著會損失身份與進入收入不穩定階段。你要準備接受這是切換跑道,所必要經歷的過程。
- 不確定的發展途徑。改變職業代表將離開原來的坦途。你不知道下一步是否真的能如預期般順利,但是這也是必須接受的風險。
- 用新的心態面對。也許在你過去的職業生涯中,你用收入或是名聲來衡量你的成功,但是從今起你也許希望獲得更多的主導權、工作彈性,或是預備為這個世界帶來正面的衝擊。
Preparations for changing lanes halfway through the workplace
Whether you're preparing to start a business or joining a new company, switching the runway in the middle of the workplace is challenging.
Make the following preparations:
- Welcome worry and loneliness. Changing jobs often leads to loss of identity and income instability. You have to be prepared to accept that this is the process of switching the runway.
- Uncertain ways of development. Changing career representatives will leave the original path. You don't know if the next step will really go as smoothly as expected, but it's also a risk that must be accepted.
- Face it with a new mentality. Perhaps in your past career, you measured your success by income or reputation, but from now on you may want more leadership, flexibility, or preparation for a positive impact on the world.