- 這名學徒的企圖心如何?評估一下這名學徒想要成功的企圖心有多大。 如果你想要有成功的導師關係,他必須有企圖心,可以受到激勵。
- 距離成功目標有多遠?這門學徒目前的經歷資質與他想要達到的目標,距離有多遠?你也許必須考慮安排一名中繼者,在你接手為導師前,先補上這個差距。
- 我有足夠的經驗與時間嗎?確認你有足夠的知識與時間來指導。
Accept an apprentice cautiously
is honorable to become a mentor. But you can't put every young person under
your wings.
the following three questions to decide if you want to accept an apprentice:
- What is the ambition of this apprentice? Assess how ambitious the apprentice wants to succeed. If you want to have a successful mentoring relationship, he must be ambitious and motivated.
- How far is it from success? What is the distance between the apprenticeship's current qualifications and the goals he wants to achieve? You may have to consider arranging a relay to fill the gap before you take over as a mentor.
- Do I have enough experience and time? Make sure you have enough knowledge and time to guide.