2016年1月6日 星期三


我們應該如何應付這樣的二手緊張狀況? 請嘗試以下的作法:
  1. 改變你的反應模式。與其被這些二手焦躁的人影響到自己的情緒,還不如帶著體貼的心去對待他們,並且想象自己可以如何幫助他們。
  2. 以正面態度回應負面的行為。如果這些焦躁的人挖苦你,向他們微笑。如果有人打電話給你,你要說:“很高興和你談話。”,而不要說:“我正忙著呢。
  3. 調適心情。在你進入一個可能充滿緊張的環境前,先想幾件會讓你愉快的事情。提醒自己,一切都會很棒的,這是很有力對抗二手緊張的力量。
Don't let second-hand tension affect your mood
Our minds are susceptible to other people's emotions. Whether we see an angry taxi driver or a busy boss, we get irritated whenever we see someone else looking nervous. This is especially common in offices, where you often see people muttering to themselves or performing restless limb movements.
How should we cope with such second-hand tension? Please try the following ways:
  1. Change your reaction pattern. Instead of being influenced by these second-hand anxious people, we should treat them with consideration and imagine how we can help them.
  2. Respond to negative behavior with a positive attitude. If these impatient people make fun of you, smile at them. If someone calls you, you should say, "I'm glad to talk to you." Instead of saying, "I'm busy. "

