2016年1月8日 星期五


如果你發現你太向別人常說Yes, 嘗試以下的招數: 
  1. 設定你的目標。通常我們不知道如何說No是因為我們自己並不知道自己究竟要做什麼。請花一些時間將自己想要達成的目標,以及如何實現它的方式寫下來。
  2. 將你給出去的承諾做出優先次序。將你目前已經給出去的承諾列出清單,並且做出優先次序。在低優先次序的項目,應該是No”的項目。
  3. 將說No成為你的默認回答。除非你任何新進來的項目可以滿足幾個設定條件,否則都以說No為默認回答,例如,這個新的項目是否能夠幫助你獲得專業或是對你個人有實際利益?或是,它可以幫助你達成設定的年度目標?
How to turn Yes to No.?
It is difficult for most people to say NO to others. It is almost impossible for some people. But sometimes, saying No to others is critical to your success.  
If you find that you often say Yes to others, try the following tactics:
  1. Set your goals. Usually we don't know how to say No because we don't know what we are going to do. Take some time to write down what you want to achieve and how to achieve it.
  2. Prioritize your promises. Make a list of the promises you have given and prioritize them. Projects with low priority should be "Say No".
  3. Say No as your default answer. Unless any new project you enter meets a number of settings, the default answer is to say no. For example, can this new project help you gain a professional or practical benefit for you personally? Or can it help you achieve the set annual goals?

