Get rid of depressing work situations
No matter how exciting the work is, there will be dull and depressing days. It's hard to avoid being in the same office every day and getting along with the same people. So how do you recognize that you are in a depressing situation, or even that it's time to consider leaving the job?
First of all, don't assume that the depression will disappear automatically. You can start making some changes on your own so that you can get through. For example, you can write down what you have accomplished each day, identify which tasks can motivate you, and which ones can make you exhausted or bored.
Second, imagine how you can change your role in something that attracts you. You can talk to your boss and see if you can arrange challenging tasks with your expertise or volunteer for projects in other departments.
But if the situation doesn't improve after you've made some attempts, it's time to consider changing jobs.