2016年1月3日 星期日


  1. 放慢決策腳步。當你對來臨的機會說“No”時,容易進入緊張的情緒狀態,因而失去了理智處理資訊與考慮可以以其他方式處理的選擇。放慢腳步,可以讓你做出更周全、更正確的決策。不要著急著必須當下做出決定
  2. 多練習幾次。要說出“No”,一開始會讓我們感到不適應、有些尷尬。但是,多練習幾次,就可以改善如此的感覺。
Rejection is a key ability to succeed
The average person is faced with opportunities to grow, and generally receives a welcome attitude. However, when you are successful, you have to prioritize many opportunities, or you will be over loaded, overly committed, and inefficient.
The following approach will allow you to feel more comfortable when you refuse to do so:
  1. Slow down the pace of decision making. When you say "No" to the opportunity, it is easy to get into the emotional state of tension, thereby losing your sanity, dealing with information, and considering options that can be dealt with in other ways. Slowing down allows you to make more comprehensive and accurate decisions. Don't worry that you must make a decision right now.
  2. Practice more than once. To say "No", at first it will make us feel uncomfortable and awkward. But practicing a few more times can improve this feeling.

