2016年1月28日 星期四







Turn your diverse experiences into your strengths
If you have experienced many different careers in the past, and may not be directly related to the position you are applying for, it may be a barrier to the job opportunities you are applying for. Some companies may think you can't continue in a particular field, or that your character may be unstable.
It's important for you to let the interviewer know how diverse you are and what makes you a better candidate.
To do so, try to link your past experience to a moving story.
First of all, identify the goals that you can pursue throughout your past career, for example, you can always have good ideas in each link, or you can always motivate others. Next, explain what kind of work you enjoy. Think about what makes you happy to revel in the elements of work. Then incorporate these into your story.

Be aware of what you are most capable of, and how such expertise will function in your past diverse experiences. Talk about what kind of job you do and what you can do best to show your enthusiasm. Why do you like it? And explaining how your past experience can give you a bonus in preparing for the job you're applying for.

