2016年1月26日 星期二


When you apply for an interview, show your best
To participate in the interview, you need to make many preparations. You are easy to make mistakes. To shine in the interview, you must ensure that you can show your best connotation.
You can draw out what you are ready to say. Many interviews will be asked questions can be predicted, for example: "Why should we hire you? So, please prepare how to answer these questions.
If you are asked some tough questions, don't be afraid to ask the interviewer to give you a minute to think about it.
Don't forget, you can also ask the interviewer what role you'll have in the company if you are hired. You must know that
Finally, please pay attention to what the interviewer says. We tend to focus on ourselves only when we are nervous, so please take it easy and listen carefully to what he said.

