When your boss shuts you out, find out why
Does your boss seem to shut you out? Exclude you from important meetings, don't answer your questions, or ignore your requests for support? This is frustrating, especially if you don't know why your manager is doing it.
The first thing to do is to verify that your perception of what is happening is accurate. Do your colleagues and bosses have similar experiences? Otherwise, you may lose some important background stories or information.
If you're right, think about what might be wrong and how to rebuild the relationship. Are you overworking in certain areas, or are you dealing with projects in ways your supervisor doesn't like?
You'll probably have to start a conversation; try to show that you value your boss and want to get things right: "I realize you don't want me to cooperate with marketing as before. Did I do something that you don't think would be a delegation? "Keep any feedback in mind and use it to gain the trust of the manager.