Overcome your fear of failure by redefining it
Fear of failure in something. Do something wrong, look foolish, or fail to meet expectations. It can paralyze people. But avoiding challenges that make you anxious doesn't help you grow. To overcome your fear of failure, redefine what this concept means to you.
For example, instead of considering failure (or success) from what you have achieved, redefine it from what you have learned.
No one can do everything well. Failure can still provide valuable experience for the future. It's also important to focus on what you want to do, not what you want to avoid.
When you are afraid of a difficult task, you may unconsciously set goals around what you don't want to happen. Creating a fear list can help you: write down the worst of the challenge, how you block it, and how you will respond if it becomes a reality.
Making a plan for bad results can give you courage to move forward.