2019年3月29日 星期五


Should you leave the company after a public scandal?
When your company makes headlines for the wrong reasons, should you find a new job?
To clarify this, please understand the details of the scandal: Does the company take action to correct the problem? Are you innocent? Will negative propaganda disappear soon? If the answer is yes, you may not need to leave.
Many companies have experienced small-scale scandals, but know how this scandal will affect your reputation. If you stay, you should also consider your career prospects: Can you continue to grow in your current company? Will the impact of the scandal hurt your job satisfaction?
On the other hand, if the company's actions (or omissions) violate your ethical and professional norms, you may want to stand up and move on. If you really decide to leave, be prepared to answer the obvious questions hiring managers will ask. Prepare a brief self-introduction, admit the scandal and stay away from bad behavior.

