2017年4月25日 星期二


  1. 調整你的心態。不要看成是你的艱難對話,而可以視為是你的機會。通常,艱難的對話,如果你處理的好,能夠強化團隊成員的堅韌性。
  2. 管理你的情緒。你很可能會膽怯、焦慮、甚至憤怒。這些都OK,就讓自己承認有這些負面情緒。然後,集中精神來面對當下的局面。
  3. 直接面對。不要企圖閃躲,拐彎抹角。誠實的說你該說的話 ,並且表現出你的積極熱情。
Overcome your resistance to difficult conversations
If you are not willing to face the difficult conversation, you will not become effective leader. If you always hesitate to unqualified people, to correct criticism, or to explain why the company has to re-organize, you cannot lead a team correctly.
You have to face up to these tough conversations. You can do that:
  1. Adjust your mindset. Don't think of it as your hard talk, but it can be seen as your chance. Usually, tough conversations, if you do well, can strengthen the resilience of team members.
  2. Manage your emotions. You are likely to be timid, anxious, and even angry. These are OK. Admit yourself to these negative emotions, and then concentrate on the situation.
  3. Face it. Don't try to dodge, equivocate. Honestly to what you should say, and show your enthusiasm.

