不要急於證明自己的觀點,先認知你的同事的感受,並重申他們的觀點。例如,你可以試著說,“我聽到了。你沒有到你的團隊對我剛才對我介紹的內容的投入。”表面你在傾聽,並且真正地試圖理解你的同事的觀點,讓他們沒有抱怨的理由。雖然這可能違反直覺,但對一個憤怒的同事表示支持——不必同意他們的觀點 ,是化解衝突的最好方法之一。
The best way to settle the argument is to listen
Nothing is worse
than being shouted out by a colleague. When a colleague blames you, your first instinct is likely to be self-defense:
you want to point out that they are all wrong, you are right. But even in a
calm mood to refute his opinion, will make things worse.
be rush to prove your point of view. Recognize how your colleagues feel and reiterated their views. For example, you can try
to say, "I hear you. You didn’t get into
your team’s input into what I just introduced. " On the
surface of it, you are listening and really try to understand the point of view of your colleagues so that they have no reason to
complain. Although it might
feel counterintuitive, demonstrating support for an angry colleague — without
necessarily agreeing with their points — is one of the best ways to de-escalate
a conflict.