2017年7月1日 星期六


我們都聽過許多人告訴你應該如何做簡報演說,例如不要按著幻燈片照本宣科, 不要用太多張幻燈片給聽眾壓力,要保持與聽眾的眼神接觸,等等。

Make sure your main purpose is before you make a difficult conversation
When you are brought into a difficult problem by your colleagues, before you go into the actual discussion, you should first confirm what you want to achieve
Do you want to finish this project more quickly or do you want to get better results? Is your relationship more important than the outcome of your job?
You have to consider these things, but to think what is your main purpose? Can this agree with each other? If you have a common purpose, you can easily work together to solve the conflict between you.

You have to ask yourself to get meaningful results? Reality? If not, will you look down? Would rather focus on a relatively small, but relatively easy to reach the goal. For example, you will have the opportunity to participate in the project, or to draw up a medium-term development plan.

