2017年6月24日 星期六


  1. 我需要多少錢?如果這是絕對必須的,那麼就必須先考慮,並且會影響你的其他的决定。
  2. 我想要在哪裡過退休生活?如果你退休后希望過著鄉村田園生活,那麼你你可以工作的地點就必須考慮,或是你是否能夠以SOHO在家工作的方式來進行,或是你是否能夠以約定的時間才到辦公室去擔任顧問?
  3. 我想要改變多少?既然是退休後的工作,你工作的性質與工作的方式,應該是與退休前有所不同。但是,你想要改變多少呢?改變愈多,你需要做的準備就必須愈多。
  4. 我如何開始準備好退休後的職業生涯?你可以開始嘗試一些小的項目,而仍然安全的保有你的正常收入。
Prepare for retirement professional work
If you want to continue working after retirement, you have to make some plans. Ask yourself four questions first:
  1. How much do I need? If it's absolutely necessary, then you have to think about it first and it will affect your other decisions.
  2. Where Do I want to live retirement life ? If you want to live in the country after the retirement of pastoral life, then, the place of work must be considered, or whether you can work with SOHO at home and on the way, or whether you can go as a consultant to the agreed time to get to office?
  3. What do I want to change ? Since the retirement work characteristics and your current work way will be different . But, how much do you want to change? The more you change, you need to prepare more.
  4. How do I start preparing my retirement career? You can start experimenting with small projects and still keep your regular income safely.

