- 一次完成這些不那麼重要的工作。去創造一種動力感。你可找個咖啡館,坐下來清理這些小工作,并承諾自己在沒有做完之前不要回家。或者,和一些同事一起完成你的無聊的工作清單。
- 使用“滴水穿石”的策略。在你的時間表中找出一些小的時間段,運用這些短暫的時間來做低價值的工作。你可以在完成了重要工作后的一些壓力較低的時間,來做這些小事。如此,當你在恢復處理重要工作時,心理會比較清爽,不會心頭老擱著還有煩人的事情還沒有處理完。
Set aside times to deal with trivial things that have to be done
has some things that have to be done, such as organizing folders, cleaning mails, making promises to call, and so on.
you can't delegate or abandon these jobs, there are two ways to deal with such type of works:
- Complete these less important works at one time. To create a sense of momentum. You can find a cafe, sit down and clean up these small jobs, and promise yourself not to go home until fully cleaning up. Or, you work together with some colleagues to complete such boring job list.
- To use of "Constant dripping wears away a stone." strategy. Find out some small time in your working schedule. Use the short time to do low value work. You can in some pressure to complete the important work after low time to do these things. So, when you are doing important work during the recovery time, your mind would be more relaxed. There are not old heart annoying things has not been resolved.