2017年12月31日 星期日



Let each other vent in a difficult conversation

In intense discussions with colleagues, it is difficult to remember that you are only a person when you are confused in mind. When the other person expresses anger or frustration, don't stop them. Let them vent as much as possible, keep calm in when it happened. Don't interrupt his vent out or insert your own comments. When you do this, you can quiet or use such as "I know" or "I understand" to indicate that you are listening. Avoid saying anything that you blame, such as "Calm down" or "You need to understand that..." It is important to avoid to give your opponent in this space, but this is not to say that it is easy. If you can bear to vent, without judgment, you will soon be able to talk to a more productive place.

2017年12月30日 星期六



Adjust your work to make it more satisfactory
If you are asked to finish a job, you will think "Don’t do this again". You are not alone. Most people are not entirely satisfied with their work. Maybe your passion and priorities have changed or you feel like doing the same thing over and over again.
Whatever the reason, you can rediscover the sense of purpose in work or adjust some parts of your work to get more satisfaction through the adjustment of work.
For example, if you like to communicate with people, when you feel lonely, you can find ways to collaborate with others on projects. Or you can find opportunities to integrate new skills into your current roles.
Even small adjustments can make your sense of responsibility more meaningful, motivating you to work with your highest initiative and commitment.

2017年12月26日 星期二



When you ask for a job promotion, state how it will benefit to the company
If you have worked for several years, you may have seen that your duties have expanded. But if your job title has not changed, it may be time to talk with your boss.
Ask yourself before you ask for a raise: "What can I help my boss?" Think about why you should get a new title -- maybe you just signed a new contract, or you engage an important project, and how it will help you more effectively at work. Will it give you more trust between colleagues? Help you and the customer to establish better rapport? Give you more power to make decisions? Think about your boss's concern and worry, and use it to build your case.
Your boss may be more inclined to agree that the change which is good for you and the company.

2017年12月22日 星期五



If you are not good at planning, get advice from others
If your brain is inherently out of order, learning how to plan your time is a frustrating experience. Fortunately, it is possible to overcome your natural defects and better organize your time.
First of all, ask for advice from friends or colleagues who are good at planning or having good organizational skills. They may provide solutions for your problems, or they may make suggestions for the organizational system you can try.
If you don't need to develop your own ideas from scratch, it will save you time (and headache). Be sure to ask them a simple solution. When you first started, do not want to become an expert planner; have basic knowledge is a good goal.

2017年12月19日 星期二



Train Your Brain to Focus on Something You Find Boring
We all have a few subjects that we find boring or dull. Fortunately, it’s possible to learn to like — maybe even love — topics that make your eyes glaze over.
First, you have to overcome the pain. When we think about something we don’t like or want, it can activate a portion of the brain that’s connected to our experience of pain. This means, for example, that thinking about statistics (if you don’t like statistics) can cause you actual physical pain. As a result, you brain may divert your attention away from whatever sparked the pain — in other words, you procrastinate.
So the next time you need to study statistics, force yourself to focus. Turn off all distractions. Set a timer for 25 minutes. Focus intently for those 25 minutes. And then reward yourself for at least five minutes by listening to your favorite song, talking with a friend, or getting coffee. Taking little breaks helps the brain consolidate what you’re learning, which builds understanding while minimizing frustration.

2017年12月14日 星期四


有效的導師關係是很花時間的。 導師可以用同樣的時間來發展自己的職業目標或是去輔導別人。雖然獲得一位充滿熱情,而且可以帶來多個項目的學員會覺得很有吸引力,但是遇到錯的學員,還是很受傷痛苦的。
你們同時有必要建立起溝通的規則。多數的導師希望和學員間的溝通放在重要的主題上,而不喜歡接到任意的電話或收到成堆只說支微末節的短信。導師可以與學員約定每月見面1 – 2次,深入討論主題。如果有緊急的事情,最好先收到學員一個可以說明背景與問題的書面郵件,以便導師有時間先深入了解。
  • 自己的作為是否會侵犯了學員在公司組織的權威,或是妨害了他對項目的領導工作?
  • 你是否堅持學員必須依照你的指示,或是尊重他領導發展他工作的方式?
  • 你是否會任意更改你對學員回覆的時間,而迫使他必須依照你的行動來調整他的工作?
  • 你是否在阻撓學員另尋良師?你是否感到如此會傷害到你的自尊心?
  • 你是否放縱學員重複犯錯,而未誠懇的提醒與糾正?
  • 你是否以高徒在產業的聲望,為自己的聲望加爵?

Six things each mentor should do
We find that the best mentor relationship is more like the relationship between parents and adult children. Closer than between the employer and the employee. They respect each other, trust each other, share common values, and communicate well.
However, there is no norm to follow on how to develop the mentor relationship. This is true in management areas outside academia, whether in finance, consulting or technology.
However, we would like to offer some common observations for your reference.
Considering the importance of guidance, how to be a good mentor is very limited. This is especially true in management areas outside academia, whether financial, advisory or technological. Here we offer a good tutorial script with an informal setup, which, if you like, is largely a team sport as a game. Although we have learned many examples from academia, the experience of different disciplines is relevant.
Choose your student carefully
Effective mentoring takes time. Teachers can use the same time to develop their career goals or to coach others. Although it is very attractive to get a student who is enthusiastic and can bring many projects, it is still very painful to encounter the wrong students.
You should be careful that different trainees have different expectations of their mentors. Some trainees will insist on developing mentoring relationships in their own way. A trainee should be curious, effective, responsible and actively involved.
To distinguish the traits of students, we can do some tests. For example, we can ask students to read a book, and in a few months to reply to his reading experience, discuss together. You can also assign an article, ask the students to read it, and write a report on reading experience in a few weeks, or make a speech briefing. Or, ask him to write down his observations and ideas after visiting clients.
By doing so, you will be able to understand the logic of the students'thinking, communication skills and their interests. If he fails to hand in the assignment, you can take a breath, and you can get rid of receiving a student who lacks commitment.
Establishment of a mentor Advisory Group
Traditionally, the mentoring relationship of one to one is no longer applicable. Modern business often requires different majors in different fields. Few mentors have different majors. Likewise, students who are company leaders are under various pressures. Therefore, mentors must share responsibility with other mentors with different expertise. Highly competent tutors can assume more responsibility for mentoring students, and act as integrated counseling. In some areas where deep technology is required, it can be handed over to the tutor of professional technology. Co-counseling the growth of students.
Although trainees can evaluate and select their own professional mentors, it is better to respect the recommendation of other technical professional mentors by senior mentors, or to discuss the composition of the mentors' advisory group, so that the mentors' advisory group can operate more effectively.
Establishing an Effective Operating Mechanism
The role of a mentor does not necessarily take too much time. Establishing reliable and clear operational rules with students can improve the efficiency of cooperation.
At first, clarify with the student his expectations for the mentor, see if they meet your expectations for him, and build consensus. He may have exaggerated long-term goals, perhaps beyond the counseling capabilities you can provide. Misunderstandings can be costly. Such cognitive differences must be clarified as soon as possible. The general experience is that it is more effective for students to understand the mentor's vision of success.
At the same time, you need to establish rules of communication. Most tutors want to communicate with their students on important topics, rather than receiving random calls or piles of text messages that only tell you the last minute. The instructor can make an appointment with the students to meet once or twice a month to discuss the topic in depth. If there is an urgent matter, it is better to receive a written email from the trainees to explain the background and problems so that the instructor can have time to get to know them thoroughly first.
Finally, make it clear that accountability is not optional. Teachers teach students how to be professional, and can effectively support the growth of students. If a student neglects it and does not take it seriously, the reputation of the trainee and the tutor will be harmed. The deadlines set by both parties must be complied with on time. The promised project must be achieved. Dates must be punctual. Students should not only respect the mentor's time, but also take the initiative to plan the work calendar so that the mentor has time to prepare in advance.
Students should recognize the mentor-student relationship and accept criticism from the mentor. Students must recognize that repeated mistakes are unacceptable. Such repetitive mistakes can hurt the mentor relationship, or even worse.
Avoiding cracks or solving problems
It is almost inevitable that there will be cracks between teachers and students. A seemingly perfect match can also be totally wrong. Mutual expectations are likely to be undermined by an external event, such as the fact that students have to emigrate abroad, which makes the mentor feel that their past work has been abandoned. Or, if the teacher is ill, the students will be afraid that they will not be able to achieve their goals.
Such accidents still happened unintentionally. If the heart has a knot and does not speak out, which leads to the situation that can not be cleaned up, the relationship will be even worse.
If there is such a foreseeable thing, remind each other as soon as possible, or discuss acceptable alternatives to each other.
Usually, mentors can offer solutions on their own initiative. For example, if a student emigrates to a foreign country and asks if he or she is willing to continue counseling, perhaps counseling can be replaced by remote video conferencing.
In another case, neither the tutor nor the trainee knows that there is a rift between them, or that one side feels unimportant, while the other side takes it seriously. There is a serious gap between our feelings.
At this time, the one who feels hurt should speak out frankly, and the other should listen respectfully, without rushing to defend himself or responding rashly. We should attach importance to the relationship between teachers and students, as a priority, and focus on repairing the relationship between teachers and students.
Do not maliciously operate mentoring relationships
In the mentor-student relationship, mentors usually dominate, and many mentors wield their power arbitrarily in inappropriate areas, even if they are not aware of it. For example, interfere with the way trainees work in the company, or organize relationships. This can have a negative impact on each other in the workplace. If you are aware that you may not be a professional violator, try asking yourself a few questions:
  • Does his actions infringe on the authority of the trainees in the organization of the company, or hinder his leadership of the project?
  • Do you insist that the trainee follow your instructions or respect the way he leads and develops his work?
  • Would you change your response time arbitrarily and force him to adjust his work according to your actions?
  • Are you obstructing students from seeking another mentor? Do you feel it hurts your self-esteem?
  • Do you indulge students to repeat mistakes without sincere reminders and corrections?
  • Do you honor your reputation with the prestige of Gao Tu in the industry?
Preparation for handover
The wisdom of a mentor is always limited. He must hand over the tutorial work to the next one.
Good mentors need to be conscious and discuss future challenges and past satisfaction with students. Although the process of handover will vary according to the environment, students will have different results of coaching that they have actually absorbed, and the tutor should accept it calmly and hand over his fair comments to the next tutor.
Generally speaking, the transfer of tutorial tasks will be due to the fact that students have new missions, beyond the ability of the tutor, or that the tutor is facing retirement age, or has other counseling commitments to others, or undertakes new projects, and must hand over the responsibility of the tutor.
If the mentor can take the initiative to recommend a new mentor to take over, and accept for the trainees, it will be the perfect outcome of the mentor relationship.

2017年12月13日 星期三



Even if this is your first job, negotiate your salary
When you get your first job, you may think you shouldn't negotiate. After all, you don't want to get anyone angry, right? Wrong.
Negotiating your salary is very important, especially in the early stage of your career. Your starting salary is an anchor -- your future salary increase, bonus and even retirement savings will be affected by the initial amount. Use your education and professional network to prepare for negotiations.
Gather information about your salary from your friends and colleagues and educational institutions. Find someone similar to the job you’re applying for and ask what the reasonable salary range is. Then practice the negotiation with friends. If all goes well, you will get more than what the number offered to you. But if you do not, this does not mean that the attempt is a mistake. You have shown to your employer that you are willing to show confidence and you know how to negotiate -- this is a very valuable skill.
Not only should you try to get your salary when you apply for a job, and you must always strive for your interests in your career.

2017年12月12日 星期二



Help your employees feel less lonely in their work
More and more people feel tired and lonely in their work. Any leader does not want their team members to be cut off and out.
You can overcome these emotions by encouraging your team to establish contact with colleagues. Tell them how important it is to have a network of people, a small team they often turn to advice or emotional support. Associate employees with mentors and colleagues and assign a mentor to new employees. Take initiative to introduce some employees you think have something in common, including hobbies and interests other than work.
Make sure everyone knows that you believe that a friendly relationship is worth the time, so that they can go out for coffee with colleagues, or find time to chat on the calendar, and catch up with the progress of work.

2017年12月9日 星期六



To carry out a difficult dialogue, focus on consensus on both parties
When you discuss a problem with your colleagues, your first few words may lead to or interrupt the discussion. Self-defense is normal, even pushing the responsibility onto others, but suggesting that the other side is wrong, which will make the conversation worse.
To prepare for success by establishing a common point between you and others. A statement of the local goal you have reached an overlapping consensus. You might say: "We want to ensure that our patients get the best care." or "We agree to the new email system should integrate with our existing IT system."
If you can't find common points, or you are not sure what their goal is, the easiest way is to ask questions. What are important to you, and then asked: "What you care about and what is the overlap? Or do you have another goal? Such question is the tone of cooperation.

2017年12月8日 星期五


好消息是你可以通過一整天的專注力訓練(Mindfulness Exercise)來活化你的大腦更好地集中注意力。這裡有一些指導方針,可以使他們成為一個更加專注和有意識的領導者。
下一步,當你到達辦公室,在你的辦公桌或你的車上花10分鐘,在你投入活動之前,用一個簡短的專注力訓練(Mindfulness Exercise)來提高你的大腦。閉上眼睛,放鬆,坐直。把你的注意力全部集中在你的呼吸上。簡單地保持對你呼吸經驗的持續注意力:吸氣、呼氣、吸氣、呼氣。為了讓你的注意力停留在呼吸上,每次呼氣都要安靜地數。每當你發現你的注意力分散時,只要把注意力集中在你的呼吸上,就可以分散注意力。最重要的是,讓自己享受這幾分鐘。在接下來的一整天里,和其他人競爭的迫切性將會分散你的注意力。但在這10分鐘裏,你的注意力都是你自己的。

How to do concentration training in the whole day?
You may have a clear idea of this feeling: you have a clear day plan at the office, and then, when it feels like an instant, you find yourself on your way home. Nine to ten hours have passed, but you have only accomplished a few priorities. And, most likely, you don't even remember what you did all day. If that sounds familiar, don't worry. You are not alone. People spend almost half of their waking hours thinking about other things rather than what they are doing. In other words, many of us operate on autopilot.
In addition, we have entered what many people call the "attention economy". In the attention economy, the ability to remain focused and focused is as important as technology or management skills. Leaders are particularly hit by this emerging trend because they need to absorb and synthesize a large amount of information in order to make the right decisions.
The good news is that you can activate your brain to concentrate better through a whole day of Mindfulness Exercise. Here are some guidelines to help them become more focused and conscious leaders.
First, start your day. Researchers have found that we release a lot of stress hormones within minutes of waking up. Why? Because thinking about the day ahead triggers our fighting instinct or escape instinct and releases cortisol into our blood. Instead, try this: when you wake up, stay in bed for two minutes, just notice your breathing. When you think about this day, let them go and return to your breath.
Next, when you get to the office, spend 10 minutes at your desk or in your car, and before you get into action, use a short Mindfulness Exercise to boost your brain. Close your eyes, relax and sit up straight. Focus your attention on your breathing. Simply keep a constant focus on your breathing experience: inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale. To keep your attention on breathing, count quietly every time you exhale. Whenever you find your attention distracted, just concentrate on your breathing and you can distract. Most importantly, let yourself enjoy these minutes. Over the next day, the urgency to compete with others will distract you. But in these 10 minutes, your attention is yours.
Once you have completed this exercise and are ready to start work, concentration can improve your efficiency. Two skills define a conscious mind: focus and consciousness. More specifically, focus is the ability to focus on what you are doing right now, while consciousness is the ability to recognize and release unnecessary interference. Understand that concentration is more than just meditation, mindfulness is the cultivation of a sharp, clear mind. Concentration in action is a good substitute for the illusory practice of multiplexing. Working hard means focusing your attention and awareness on everything you do from the moment you enter the office. Focus on the work at hand and be aware of and release internal and external interference. In this way, focus can help improve efficiency, reduce mistakes, and even enhance creativity.
To better understand the power of focus and consciousness, consider a pain that touches almost all of us: the addiction to e-mail. E-mail can lure our attention to low-priority tasks because small tasks can quickly release dopamine, a hormone that makes us happy. This will make us addicted to e-mail and damage our attention. Instead, concentrate on what's important when you open your inbox, and remain aware of just noise. To better start your day, avoid checking your email first thing in the morning. Doing so can help you avoid distractions and short-term problems during a particular period of attention and creativity.
As the days go by and the inevitable back-to-back meetings begin, focus can help you lead shorter and more effective meetings. To avoid meetings with distracted people, spend two minutes practicing concentration. You can do that when you go to a meeting. Better yet, keep the first two minutes of the meeting quiet so that everyone can arrive physically and mentally. Then, if possible, close the meeting five minutes before the meeting so that all participants can consciously transition to the next meeting.
Over time, your brain starts to tire, and concentration can help you stay sharp and avoid bad decisions. After lunch, set a timer on your mobile phone and ring every hour. When the timer rings, stop your current activity and do a minute of focused practice. These conscious performance breakthroughs will help prevent you from using the autopilot and increasing your work unconsciously, or from rejecting meaningless work.

2017年12月6日 星期三



Remind your boss that you do a great job
We are all busy. When we are busy getting rid of our to-do list and wishing for more time in the day, we often forget to publicize our achievements -- to remind our boss of how well we have done.
Send via SMS or email, put your accomplishment back on boss's radar -- don't brag about. Nothing fancy, just one or two brief sentences: "Just want to let you know that the XYZ project is progressing well, our customers are satisfied with our draft, the next step is to finalize the contract amount, we will be on Thursday to finalize the number." Sending the message that will make you look ability, good communication, and is one of the most outstanding.


第一是你會有較強的企圖去做困難的工作。相信你能夠做一些困難的事只是一半, 然而如果你真的太過誇大你的能力,按照定義,你就會失敗。第二是你有機會忽悠別人相信你確實是有實力的。多數的人最後會發現事實,然後你忽悠別人活得的私人利益都會被人家對你的負面形象洗刷殆盡。
  • 配合他的個人動機。沒有人喜歡被人批評,尤其是具有高聲望的個人。然而,如果你能夠幫助老闆認知你可以幫助他達成她的目標,他會關注的。要最有效的作法是配合他的動機與價值觀。例如,他很在乎個人的聲望。那麼,可以展示給他知道,他實際的聲望并不如他自己的想象,同時提醒他該如何調整他的行為與語言。另外,如果他在乎的是實際的權威,就可以告訴他:“如果你改變X與Y的組合,可以提高你超越同儕的實際績效,獲得別人對你的尊重與服從。
  • 讓資料事實說話。領導者并不完全在乎他人對他的看法,有些人會自我陶醉從正面看他們在乎結果績效以及客觀數據因此,讓他們自己做360度自我評估與員工回饋,可以讓他有機會重新審視自己,讓他看到自己的盲點。遺憾的是,這些多半只是學術說法,很少見到成功名人做多類似的自我評估。
  • 提醒過度自信的負面結果。最後,要注意的是,即使願意接受科學檢驗數據的領導人,都會傾向於忽略檢驗結果數據的真實而中立的性質。他們傾向於抗拒接受檢驗數據顯示的問題他們通常會繼續固執要證明自己是正確的

How do you tell your boss that he is not as great as he thinks?
Although we live in the glory of self-confidence and inevitable self-doubt, it does good if you believe that you are stronger than you are.
The first is that you have a strong intention to do difficult work. Believe that you can do only half of the difficult things, but if you really exaggerate your ability, by definition, you will fail.
The second is that you have the opportunity to fool others into believing that you are really capable. Most people will eventually discover the facts, and then the personal benefits you fool others into living will be washed away by your negative image.
A leader who deludes others into believing that he is charitable and talented will mislead his followers into long-term risk. In contrast, a leader who is honest and conscious of his own limits of ability is less likely to make mistakes and put his organization and team in danger.
Leaders are often unconscious. Although people's leadership talent is normally distributed, 80% of leaders are confident that they are better than others. However, people's narcissism will increase with time, and can not expect him to be objective and honest in self-evaluation, so that he can be modest. When a man full of self-illusion is surrounded by flatterers, it is easy for him to overlook the pertinent feedback that should be valued by him.
Whether you want to be a manager or a business coach guiding the leader, provide the necessary feedback. Here are a few ways for your reference:
  • Cooperate with his personal motivation. Nobody likes to be criticized, especially individuals with high prestige. However, if you can help your boss understand that you can help him achieve her goals, he will pay attention. The most effective way is to match his motivation and values. For example, he cares a lot about personal prestige. Then, you can show him that his actual reputation is not as good as his own imagination, and remind him how to adjust his behavior and language. In addition, if he cares about the actual authority, he can tell him: "If you change the combination of X and Y, you can improve your actual performance beyond your peers, get respect and obedience from others."
  • Let the facts speak. Leaders don't care entirely about what others think of them. Some people become intoxicated with themselves. On the positive side, they care about results and performance, as well as objective data. Therefore, letting them do 360 degree self-assessment and employee feedback can give him the opportunity to re-examine himself and let him see his blind spot. Unfortunately, these are mostly academic statements, and few successful celebrities make similar self-assessments.
  • Remind the negative consequences of overconfidence. Finally, it should be noted that even leaders willing to accept scientific test data tend to ignore the true and neutral nature of the test results. They tend to resist the problem of accepting test data display. They usually continue to be stubborn and prove that they are right.

Experience shows that a truly effective leader, usually a more modest person, will think that his ability is insufficient and attach importance to empowerment.
Unfortunately, these recommendations are often not easy to implement. Leaders who are overconfident and resistant to self-assessment tend to refuse to accept objective and goodwill feedback from others. Usually, they bow their heads to receive guidance when the problem is too serious to face.
Therefore, for an enterprise, it is necessary to promote the leader at the beginning and ask him to be an effective leader, not only to look at his past performance, but also to observe his personality tendencies.
As an employee under an incompetent boss, you can only consider the interests of the organization first, and become a trusted employee of the boss, honest communication with the boss. If you can't change such an overconfident boss, you must consider other ways, such as transferring to other departments of the company.