2017年12月14日 星期四


有效的導師關係是很花時間的。 導師可以用同樣的時間來發展自己的職業目標或是去輔導別人。雖然獲得一位充滿熱情,而且可以帶來多個項目的學員會覺得很有吸引力,但是遇到錯的學員,還是很受傷痛苦的。
你們同時有必要建立起溝通的規則。多數的導師希望和學員間的溝通放在重要的主題上,而不喜歡接到任意的電話或收到成堆只說支微末節的短信。導師可以與學員約定每月見面1 – 2次,深入討論主題。如果有緊急的事情,最好先收到學員一個可以說明背景與問題的書面郵件,以便導師有時間先深入了解。
  • 自己的作為是否會侵犯了學員在公司組織的權威,或是妨害了他對項目的領導工作?
  • 你是否堅持學員必須依照你的指示,或是尊重他領導發展他工作的方式?
  • 你是否會任意更改你對學員回覆的時間,而迫使他必須依照你的行動來調整他的工作?
  • 你是否在阻撓學員另尋良師?你是否感到如此會傷害到你的自尊心?
  • 你是否放縱學員重複犯錯,而未誠懇的提醒與糾正?
  • 你是否以高徒在產業的聲望,為自己的聲望加爵?

Six things each mentor should do
We find that the best mentor relationship is more like the relationship between parents and adult children. Closer than between the employer and the employee. They respect each other, trust each other, share common values, and communicate well.
However, there is no norm to follow on how to develop the mentor relationship. This is true in management areas outside academia, whether in finance, consulting or technology.
However, we would like to offer some common observations for your reference.
Considering the importance of guidance, how to be a good mentor is very limited. This is especially true in management areas outside academia, whether financial, advisory or technological. Here we offer a good tutorial script with an informal setup, which, if you like, is largely a team sport as a game. Although we have learned many examples from academia, the experience of different disciplines is relevant.
Choose your student carefully
Effective mentoring takes time. Teachers can use the same time to develop their career goals or to coach others. Although it is very attractive to get a student who is enthusiastic and can bring many projects, it is still very painful to encounter the wrong students.
You should be careful that different trainees have different expectations of their mentors. Some trainees will insist on developing mentoring relationships in their own way. A trainee should be curious, effective, responsible and actively involved.
To distinguish the traits of students, we can do some tests. For example, we can ask students to read a book, and in a few months to reply to his reading experience, discuss together. You can also assign an article, ask the students to read it, and write a report on reading experience in a few weeks, or make a speech briefing. Or, ask him to write down his observations and ideas after visiting clients.
By doing so, you will be able to understand the logic of the students'thinking, communication skills and their interests. If he fails to hand in the assignment, you can take a breath, and you can get rid of receiving a student who lacks commitment.
Establishment of a mentor Advisory Group
Traditionally, the mentoring relationship of one to one is no longer applicable. Modern business often requires different majors in different fields. Few mentors have different majors. Likewise, students who are company leaders are under various pressures. Therefore, mentors must share responsibility with other mentors with different expertise. Highly competent tutors can assume more responsibility for mentoring students, and act as integrated counseling. In some areas where deep technology is required, it can be handed over to the tutor of professional technology. Co-counseling the growth of students.
Although trainees can evaluate and select their own professional mentors, it is better to respect the recommendation of other technical professional mentors by senior mentors, or to discuss the composition of the mentors' advisory group, so that the mentors' advisory group can operate more effectively.
Establishing an Effective Operating Mechanism
The role of a mentor does not necessarily take too much time. Establishing reliable and clear operational rules with students can improve the efficiency of cooperation.
At first, clarify with the student his expectations for the mentor, see if they meet your expectations for him, and build consensus. He may have exaggerated long-term goals, perhaps beyond the counseling capabilities you can provide. Misunderstandings can be costly. Such cognitive differences must be clarified as soon as possible. The general experience is that it is more effective for students to understand the mentor's vision of success.
At the same time, you need to establish rules of communication. Most tutors want to communicate with their students on important topics, rather than receiving random calls or piles of text messages that only tell you the last minute. The instructor can make an appointment with the students to meet once or twice a month to discuss the topic in depth. If there is an urgent matter, it is better to receive a written email from the trainees to explain the background and problems so that the instructor can have time to get to know them thoroughly first.
Finally, make it clear that accountability is not optional. Teachers teach students how to be professional, and can effectively support the growth of students. If a student neglects it and does not take it seriously, the reputation of the trainee and the tutor will be harmed. The deadlines set by both parties must be complied with on time. The promised project must be achieved. Dates must be punctual. Students should not only respect the mentor's time, but also take the initiative to plan the work calendar so that the mentor has time to prepare in advance.
Students should recognize the mentor-student relationship and accept criticism from the mentor. Students must recognize that repeated mistakes are unacceptable. Such repetitive mistakes can hurt the mentor relationship, or even worse.
Avoiding cracks or solving problems
It is almost inevitable that there will be cracks between teachers and students. A seemingly perfect match can also be totally wrong. Mutual expectations are likely to be undermined by an external event, such as the fact that students have to emigrate abroad, which makes the mentor feel that their past work has been abandoned. Or, if the teacher is ill, the students will be afraid that they will not be able to achieve their goals.
Such accidents still happened unintentionally. If the heart has a knot and does not speak out, which leads to the situation that can not be cleaned up, the relationship will be even worse.
If there is such a foreseeable thing, remind each other as soon as possible, or discuss acceptable alternatives to each other.
Usually, mentors can offer solutions on their own initiative. For example, if a student emigrates to a foreign country and asks if he or she is willing to continue counseling, perhaps counseling can be replaced by remote video conferencing.
In another case, neither the tutor nor the trainee knows that there is a rift between them, or that one side feels unimportant, while the other side takes it seriously. There is a serious gap between our feelings.
At this time, the one who feels hurt should speak out frankly, and the other should listen respectfully, without rushing to defend himself or responding rashly. We should attach importance to the relationship between teachers and students, as a priority, and focus on repairing the relationship between teachers and students.
Do not maliciously operate mentoring relationships
In the mentor-student relationship, mentors usually dominate, and many mentors wield their power arbitrarily in inappropriate areas, even if they are not aware of it. For example, interfere with the way trainees work in the company, or organize relationships. This can have a negative impact on each other in the workplace. If you are aware that you may not be a professional violator, try asking yourself a few questions:
  • Does his actions infringe on the authority of the trainees in the organization of the company, or hinder his leadership of the project?
  • Do you insist that the trainee follow your instructions or respect the way he leads and develops his work?
  • Would you change your response time arbitrarily and force him to adjust his work according to your actions?
  • Are you obstructing students from seeking another mentor? Do you feel it hurts your self-esteem?
  • Do you indulge students to repeat mistakes without sincere reminders and corrections?
  • Do you honor your reputation with the prestige of Gao Tu in the industry?
Preparation for handover
The wisdom of a mentor is always limited. He must hand over the tutorial work to the next one.
Good mentors need to be conscious and discuss future challenges and past satisfaction with students. Although the process of handover will vary according to the environment, students will have different results of coaching that they have actually absorbed, and the tutor should accept it calmly and hand over his fair comments to the next tutor.
Generally speaking, the transfer of tutorial tasks will be due to the fact that students have new missions, beyond the ability of the tutor, or that the tutor is facing retirement age, or has other counseling commitments to others, or undertakes new projects, and must hand over the responsibility of the tutor.
If the mentor can take the initiative to recommend a new mentor to take over, and accept for the trainees, it will be the perfect outcome of the mentor relationship.

