2016年12月8日 星期四



Don’t share office gossip with new colleagues
If your new colleague heard some dirty negotiations in the office, his ears will probably grow cocoons. You may think you are well intentioned, not let him step to the office in the mines. But spreading gossip in office politics is not encouraged. by doing so, you may make people feel you have biased, and misleading new colleagues.
Of course, you can help him adjust the new job, but before you say something, find out your motives. Do you want to make his life easier? Or do you want to pull him into your camp?
Even if your motives are good, choose the right news that you can share. You will never know who his mouth will speak to, expose your words and actions, and damage your reputation.
Follow a rule, and only share the news that you feel comfortable with yourself, and it's the news that everyone knows.

