2016年7月23日 星期六


  1. 在每天中午前完成三件事。經驗顯示,如果能夠將一天的工作半天就完成大半,就很有機會領先群倫。如果每天能夠在中午前完成三件事,午餐會愉快許多。
  2. 拆分工作,提高效率。將你的工作拆分成幾個不同的細分工作。將需要最長時間來完成的細部工作先做,然後安排其他簡單的後續工作。如果你將最難的事情留到最後才處理,你很可能會在限期之前疲於奔命,甚至毫無頭緒。
  3. 將類似的工作排在一起。能夠重複做類似的工作,可以讓你熟練并提高效率。
Three ways make you work more efficiently
Self-discipline is very difficult, but try to make things more efficient in the following ways:
  1. Finish three things by noon every day. Experience shows that if we can finish half of the work in half a day, we will have a good chance to lead the group. If you can finish three things a day before noon, lunch will be a lot of fun.
  2. Dismantlement work to improve efficiency. Split your work into several different subdivisions. Do the detailed work that needs the longest time to finish, then arrange other simple follow-up work. If you leave the most difficult things until the end, you will probably be too tired to run until the deadline.
  3. Put similar jobs together. Being able to repeat similar tasks can make you proficient and efficient.

