2016年7月21日 星期四



Is this a good boss for a job interview? 

Most of your work performance and work emotions are determined by the working relationship between you and your boss. But when you apply for a new job, how do you know you can get along well with your future employer?

General enterprises will arrange direct interviews with their supervisors when recruiting. This is a rare opportunity for you to evaluate future bosses.
You should take advantage of this interview to observe the interviewing officer. After courtesy, can you ask this department what department is the company? And is he the head of the Department?
In the interview process, you should not only pay attention to whether you leave him a good impression. You can also feel that you have a crush on him. Does he seem to be a responsible boss? Does he seem to be a boss willing to listen to employees' opinions? Is he a good coach willing to share his experience?
You may not get the right impression in the short interview time, but your intuition will tell you a lot of information, so that you can be better prepared when you receive the admission notice. If you really feel bad, of course you can refuse the offer.

