- 弄清楚你在拖延什麼。如果你發現了你自己忽略或是延遲了一件工作,先問自己為什麼這樣做。知道你傾向於延遲什麼樣的事情,可以讓你做好心理準備,避免未來繼續發生這樣的情形。
- 設定底線。將原來的工作切成幾個小片段,一一去做,然後設定每一段的完成期限。
- 增加獎勵。如果要全部完成后才會有獎勵,那麼心理就很容易疲乏,不感興趣。相對的,如果每做完一段,就可以有個小獎勵,就會比較有動力。如果沒有人給你獎勵,就自己給自己安排。例如,每做完一段,就讓自己可以喝杯咖啡,休息一下。
Stop Procrastinating
People usually put things off, but it's not encouraging. If procrastination can only hinder your performance or make you more unhappy, try the following:
- Find out what you are procrastinating on. If you find yourself neglecting or delaying a job, ask yourself why. Knowing what you tend to delay can prepare you to avoid future situations like this.
- Set the bottom line. Cut the original work into several small pieces, do them one by one, and then set the completion deadline for each paragraph.
- Increase incentives. If rewards are not available until all are completed, then it is easy to get tired and not interested. In contrast, if you finish each paragraph, you can have a small reward, which will be more motivated. If no one gives you a reward, arrange for yourself. For example, every time you finish a paragraph, let yourself have a cup of coffee and rest.