- 設定期限。用一份工作日程表來記錄每項工作的到期日。用明顯的標誌來提醒你自己。如果用電腦或是手機,可以設定到期前的警示提醒。
- 要求協助。請一名你信任的同事來檢查你的工作。當你知道有人在注意你的工作時,會讓你更積極的關注工作進度。
- 改變心態。停止認為你自己會是一名拖拉工作的人。告訴自己你將會如期完成自己承諾的工作。
Stop Procrastination (2)
Procrastination seems to be the norm of human nature, but not necessarily. To get rid of your procrastination and increase your productivity, try the following:
- Set a deadline. Use a work schedule to record the due date of each job. Remind yourself with clear signs. If you use a computer or a mobile phone, you can set warning reminders before expiration.
- Ask for assistance. Ask a trusted colleague to check your work. When you know that someone is paying attention to your work, it will make you pay more attention to the progress of your work.
- Change your mind. Stop thinking you'll be a procrastinator. Tell yourself that you will finish the work you promised on time.