2016年2月22日 星期一


如果每個人都用與你相同的管理思維,在工作中的生活會容易許多,不是嗎?不見得要這樣。 在領導管理中你無可避免的會遇到一些具挑戰性的緊張狀態,然而,你應該認知,和一些與你採取不同方式工作的人,通常可以產生創新與創意。
  1. 多了解對方。表面上,你和同事可能沒有太多有共識之處。但是,如果你深入看看,你們之間可能有共通的價值觀或是共同的目標。因此,關注在你們有之間的共識,而不要計較你們之間的差異。
  2. 管理你的期望。認知你和同事之間確實存在不同的期望以及不同的達成目標的做法。你應該與他以開放的態度坦誠的溝通,看看是否有其他的方式來達成目標。
  3. 推動創新。差異觀點的真正價值在與創造更豐富的產品。你應該抓住彼此的關係,一起合作來找到創新,建立更大的價值。
How do you work with people with different management thinking?
If everyone uses the same management thinking as you do, life in work will be much easier, won't it? It doesn't have to be like this. In leadership management, you will inevitably encounter some challenging tensions, however, you should be aware of, and some people who work differently with you, you can usually generate innovation and creativity.
Here are some ways to work with people with different minds:
  1. Know more about each other. On the face of it, you and your colleagues may not have much in common. But if you look deeper, you may have common values or shared goals. So, focus on the consensus between you, and don't mind the difference between you.
  2. Manage your expectations. Recognize that you and your colleagues do have different expectations and different ways of achieving them. You should communicate openly with him in an open manner and see if there are other ways to achieve your goals.
  3. Promote innovation. The real value of the difference lies in creating products that are more productive. You should seize on each other's relationships and work together to find innovation and build greater value.

