2016年2月27日 星期六


  1. 填補中間人的角色。你可以開始參與一些可以連接原來沒有相干關係的人的項目。你會被別人認為你在這個專案組合過程中填補了空缺,而發揮了關鍵角色的價值。
  2. 承擔看起來平凡,但是實際上很重要的工作。在組織內,經常有許多看起來不容易讓人閃耀生輝,但是卻是很關鍵性的工作。你如果將這些工作做好,你可以贏得公司內重要人士的感謝與尊重。
  3. 將自己置於資訊流的關鍵位置上。資訊就是權力。不要去做竊取資訊的事,而要找到一個角色可以讓你自己置放於資訊流的彙集位置上,例如你可以有安排會議時間或是做會議記錄、分發會議資料的角色。
Want power? Start small
Many people who want to gain power in the organization usually think too much. Usually the actual power of influence does not come from the job you get. On the contrary, power usually comes from the accumulation of small things you have done for a long time.
Here are some ways to help you build your power base.
  1. Fill the role of middleman. You can start to participate in projects that connect people who have previously been irrelevant. You will be perceived as filling a gap in the portfolio and playing a key role.
  2. Undertake tasks that look ordinary but are actually important. In organizations, there are often many tasks that do not seem easy to shine, but are critical. If you do these things well, you can win the gratitude and respect of the important people in the company.
  3. Place yourself in the key position of information flow. Information is power. Instead of stealing information, find a role that allows you to place yourself in the pool of information flows. For example, you can have the role of scheduling meetings or taking minutes or distributing conference materials.

