2016年2月24日 星期三


  1. 清楚設定作息時間。將下班有如開會一樣,要設定時間。設定晚間不工作的。每週有1~2天是不工作的,再安排每年有個可以整週去度假的安排。堅持維持你所設定的作息表
  2. 將手機關掉。盡可能將你的筆記電腦留在辦公室。如果可能,準備兩支手機,一支是工作用,另外一支是私人用。下班后,或是度假期間,將工作用手機關機。但是告訴你的助理或是代理人,緊急時如何可以與你聯繫上。
  3. 建立定時活動習慣。告訴自己,何時該工作,何時該下班,什麼時間與家人相聚,讓這些活動在你心理養成習慣。你的同事、朋友、家人,也都認知你的作息習慣。
Use the Hours Off Duty
In the 24/7 world, it's not easy to find time to relax. But as you should be focused on your work at work, you should ignore Facebook and email at work, and sometimes you should leave your work behind you.
How do you do it?
  1. Set the schedule clearly. Going off work is like meeting and setting the time. Set the night off. 1~2 days a week does not work, and arranges for an annual holiday arrangement. Stick to the schedule you set.
  2. Turn off your mobile phone. Keep your notebook computer in your office as much as possible. If possible, prepare two mobile phones, one for work and the other for personal use. After work or during vacations, work will be done off with a mobile phone. But tell your assistant or agent how to get in touch with you in case of an emergency.
  3.  Establish regular activities habits. Tell yourself when it's time to work and when you should be off duty. When do you get together with your family and let these activities develop in your mind? Your colleagues, friends, and family are also aware of your routines.

