- 工作負荷過重。當形勢變得更艱難的時候,我們很容易傾向于更投入在工作上。每天工作10小時無法協助你的公司擺脫厄運,它只會讓你感到更疲倦並且讓你工作沒有效率。
- 失去自我。壓力會讓你工作得沒有格調。如果你已經感到失去了自我,或是開始逃避過去對你重要的事情,你應該退一步來評估你所承受的壓力程度。
- 過於自我誇大。我們都會認為自己是重要的。然而,除非你的職務可以直接影響到整個公司的發展,否則,你應該讓你的角色適如其分。稍微放鬆自己,不會讓公司垮掉了。
The economic downturn has begun to affect the mood of most of us.
Note the three stress signals that occur to you:
- Overload. When the situation gets tougher, it's easy for us to get more involved in our work. Working 10 hours a day won't help your company out of bad luck. It will only make you feel more tired and inefficient.
- Lose oneself. Stress can make you work without style. If you already feel like you're losing yourself, or you're starting to avoid what's important to you in the past, you should take a step back to assess the level of stress you're under.
- Excessive self-exaggeration. We all think we are important. However, unless your position can directly affect the development of the whole company, you should make your role appropriate. Relax yourself a little and don't let the company collapse.