2015年11月24日 星期二


  1. 評估你有多少時間在工作上。你也許確實需要用很長的時間在工作上,但是請評估并確認這樣做是有正當理由的。不要待到很晚的時間來留給別人一種你很打拼,或是你是名不會管理自己時間的人的印象。
  2. 拒絕時間蛀蟲。如果有什麽事情或是某些人會浪費你的時間,就必須把它遏止住。停止出席沒有必要的會議,控制一些臨時的面對面報告談話,並且停止瀏覽一些不相干的網站。
  3. 將非工作時間當成是很稀缺而寶貴的。將你自己的非工作時間,用在對你的有益于你的健康與心靈靜修之上。你將因能夠獲得休息與充電而感到生氣怏然。
Don't let work restrict you
It's easy to get yourself into work, especially when you spend most of your waking time at work. But most people will say how boring their work is.
Use the following ways to balance yourself and make your time more reasonable:
  1. Evaluate how much time you have at work. You may need to spend a long time at work, but please evaluate and confirm that it is justified. Don't stay late to give others the impression that you are a hard worker or that you are a person who can't manage your time.
  2. Refuse time borers. If something or someone is going to waste your time, you have to stop it. Stop attending unnecessary meetings, control some temporary face-to-face talk, and stop browsing irrelevant websites.
  3. It is very scarce and valuable to regard non-working hours. Use your own non-working time for your health and spiritual retreat. You will feel angry at being able to rest and recharge.

