2019年2月14日 星期四


對你的工作方式的微小改變可能會使你每週節省時間。例如,在急切地投入到一個新項  目之前,先和利益相關者談談他們的期望,這樣你就知道應該優先考慮什麼了。也許他們想要一個詳細的項目計畫,但也許一個粗略的大綱也能完成這項工作。詢問自己是否可以重用任何過去的工作來完成手頭的項目也是很有幫助的。
假設你正在準備一個向高層領導的演講-你能這份簡報所基於的提案書中提取相關的文句嗎?或者利用其他資料來充實它嗎?最後,使用再次好好組織你的項目時間分配,提前决定你將在每個項目預備花費多長時間,並堅持下去。即使你沒有在規定的時間內完成每一件事情, 組織好你的項目時間,也會幫助你集中精力實現短暫的生產力爆發。

Increase productivity by improving efficiency
Do you find yourself struggling to complete your to-do list even after you have prioritized, planned, and authorized? If so, consider whether you can work more effectively.
A minor change in the way you work may save you time each week. For example, before rushing into a new project, talk to stakeholders about their expectations so you know what priorities should be given. Maybe they want a detailed project plan, but maybe a rough outline can do the job. It's also helpful to ask yourself if you can reuse any past work to complete the project at hand.
Suppose you are preparing a speech to senior leaders - can you extract relevant sentences from the proposal on which the presentation is based? Or use other information to enrich it? Finally, use it to organize your project time allocation again, decide in advance how long you will spend preparing for each item, and stick to it. Even if you don't complete everything within the time limit, organizing your project time will help you concentrate on achieving a short burst of productivity.

