2019年2月15日 星期五



To achieve work-life balance, change your mindset
The only way to get to the top is to work all the time. But you can be an effective leader and maintain a healthy work-life balance. Everything starts with your mentality.
Don't imagine yourself as a person willing to do any work. Start imagining yourself as a person who does a good job and lives outside of work.
How do you plan to set aside time and priorities for your family, friends and hobbies, and consider where you have flexibility and where you need more flexibility?
To do this, please carefully examine the company's culture. Does your team measure success by how long people stay in the office or whether they complete their tasks on time?
If it's the former, there are things that need to be changed, and you may need leadership to make that change. If it's the latter, think about what prevents you from changing your time.

