What should be known about the letter of appointment
Congratulations on receiving the Job Offer Letter. Looking for a job is a very tiring process, so when you receive a letter of employment from a company that is interviewing for a job, you may want to sign a decent letter of employment and reply that you agree to accept it.
Although most companies don't deliberately hide anything in their letters of employment, there are several things you have to check and clarify before you sign and respond.
Payroll and Remuneration Scheme
Many people will take it for granted that there will be expected salary figures in the letter of employment, but most of the time when the interview does not touch on the salary figures. As a result, companies usually submit a salary figure in their letters of employment to wait for negotiations. If you sign without negotiation, you lose the chance to get a better salary for yourself.
Think that as long as you accept the position, you will have a chance to negotiate for a higher salary. This is not a good strategy. In fact, doing so may bring a negative reputation to your new company.
If you've discussed salary issues in an interview and the letter of application pays less than you expected, contact the hiring manager and get his attention. It's probably a mistake, or maybe the company is trying to make you take less. Either way, you can eliminate confusion and know exactly whether the mistake can be corrected or whether you need to start negotiations.
If you are applying for a salesman position, then the sales compensation plan (sales quota, sales commission) is particularly important to you. However, many companies don't publish their sales compensation plans until you confirm your willingness to be employed. This was done to block their competitors from knowing their plans.
If the sales remuneration plan is not specified in the letter of employment, call the hiring manager for clarification.
Some companies employ salesmen by arranging sales training or internship (or probation) for a period of time after entry, and proposing a sales remuneration plan before expiration.
Welfare plan
Medical care and welfare is an important part of work. The better the welfare, the better the job. Unless you are an independent salesperson, your job position should include some benefits. These should be included in the letter of appointment or its annexes.
You should read the welfare plan in detail and understand that it is usually non-negotiable. You either accept it or not.
Report to the Initiation Day
Similarly, this is an obvious item to check, and you must know the date of entry. If your financial situation is very difficult, and the letter says that your starting date is 45 days or longer, you may need to ask for an early entry or to continue looking for other jobs.