1. 關注在最終結果
按照提示# 1,當你做出期望結果時,神奇的事情就發生了。原來難相處的老闆似乎更容易相處和工作。你也會更喜歡每天早上去辦公室,而你的工作能力也提高了。
3. 避免加入對公司抱怨的小圈子
5. 和老闆面對面地談談
- 一張個人工作目標清單
- 一份工作職位描述
- 一份可以清楚描述你應該如何交付工作成果的商業計劃書
- 一個開放的心靈
- 正面的激勵
There are many factors that affect your job satisfaction. One of these factors is your direct supervisor. In other words, your boss has a lot to do with your job satisfaction. Although bad bosses have been rarely successful and often replaced for a long time, bossy bosses may have a history of deliverables, which earns the respect of their bosses.
Fortunately, there are some effective strategies or techniques that can help your work environment be as good as possible.
1. Focus on the final results
Keep in mind that the most important thing to deal with an arrogant boss is to motivate his actions to produce the final results. Most likely, a demanding boss will be able to focus on delivering results for the company you work with. You should focus on your position where you can make outstanding contributions. If you are in sales, you need to focus on providing quality customer service and generating profitable income.
If you find that your focus is on avoiding or appeasing your boss rather than focusing on serving customers, you will be disciplined or fired for poor performance.
2. Delivery of results
According to Tip # 1, when you make the expected results, something magical happens. The formerly difficult bosses seem to get along and work more easily. You'd also like to go to the office every morning, and your ability to work has improved.
The magical reason for this is that unless your boss is a terrible supervisor, he has no reason to give you hard time when you outperform your position. You can make yourself indispensable to the company, rarely spend a lot of time in the boss's office, like those who worry about being fired from the company all day long.
3. Avoid joining a small circle of complaints about the company
Discussing with colleagues how much you hate your boss may make you feel better, but it doesn't solve any problems. Most complaint discussions are full of blame, denial and lack of productivity. They are time-consuming conversations with little value to achieve. Any time spent at work (or even after work) cannot avoid your ability to deliver results and allow you to produce your final results. Of course, joining a grumbling circle will give you some support and connect with your colleagues, but you need to focus on your work, not just making friends.
Another thing to remember is to ask yourself what you can get by complaining about your boss. Everything everyone does has a reason.
4. Set your expectations
One absolute way to lose self-motivation is to surrender your personal power. If you live each day according to the expectations of others, your enthusiasm for work (even your life) will slowly but surely diminish.
When the employer neglects the employee's goals and personal expectations, his work will become more difficult and challenging. If you have to turn your attention to making your boss happy and stay away from focusing on providing the best customer service, you will soon lose your enthusiasm and focus.
When this happens, don't blame your unreasonable boss. This is your own mistake.
5. Talk face to face with your boss
Novice or immature employees are often reluctant to have frank face-to-face conversations with their supervisors. They fear that if they "push back" policies or working conditions that they deem unfair, their jobs will be threatened. For those with bad bosses, they may be right. However, for those who work for an arbitrary or unreasonable boss, face-to-face conversation may be the best way to approach their career.
Arrogant bosses tend to be overly focused "A" employees who have weak interpersonal skills. They may not know how their actions directly affect the person who reports directly to him. When an employee has the courage to discuss, respectfully and professionally, how his behavior negatively affects his employees, the supervisor will get direct feedback, otherwise they may never know. Depending on their maturity and professionalism, this feedback may help them improve their weaknesses and provide the results they are hired to deliver.
What do you need?
- A list of personal work goals
- A job description
- A business plan that clearly describes how you should deliver work results
- An open mind
- Positive incentives