2018年4月2日 星期一


如果這個問題不起作用,就用第二種方法:拖延時間。例如,你可以推遲對話來收集支持你的主張的資料。你可以說,在我們做出决定之前,我想收集一些關於人們如何看待他們的服務質量的數據。我們可以在下周再討論這個問題嗎?” 然後利用這個時間考慮其他的選擇,或者尋求同事們關於如何改變百事通的想法的建議。”

Persuade a Know-It-All to Consider Other Points of View
When someone is 100% sure that they’re right, convincing them otherwise can be tricky.
To help the person consider another point of view, use two conversation cues.
The first is to ask questions: If the know-it-all is clinging to one side of an issue, you can say something like, “Have you ever seen a situation where the opposite was true?” Try to get them to rethink their assumptions and look at the situation differently.
If questions don’t work, use the second approach: stall for time. For example, you might delay the conversation to gather data that supports your argument. You can say, “Before we make a decision, I’d like to collect some data on how our people view their service quality. We can meet again next week to discuss it.” Then use that time to consider other options or seek colleagues’ advice on how to change the know-it-all’s mind. 

