- 不要讓自己成為壓力源。不讓自己成為完美主義與追求高成就者。當你感覺工作太辛苦時,放鬆自己對自己的期待高標準。
- 了解自己的極限。你不需要一定要當英雄。你如果沒有那樣的卓越能力,或是沒有那樣的能耐,誠實地面對自己,並且請求他人幫助。
- 重新評估你的觀點。你究竟對某種狀況是個威脅還是展現你能力的機會?你認為它是個問題還是等待你去解決的問題?改變你的觀點,可以降低你的壓力。
Three ways
to avoid collapse of anxiety mood conversion
is in a state of tension at work. But some people can support long, high
pressure and crisis. How did they do it?
is because they change their minds when they face
- Don't let yourself be a source a stress. Don't let yourself be perfectionist and the pursuit of high achievement. When you feel too hard at work, relax your expectations.
- Know your limits. You don't have to be a hero. If you don't have that kind of excellence, or you don't have that ability, be honest to yourself and ask for help.
- Re-evaluate your point of view. Are you a threat to a situation or an opportunity to show your ability? Do you think it's a problem or a problem waiting for you to solve? Changing your point of view can lower your stress.