2017年5月11日 星期四



Maintain your professional network
Everyone knows that it's important to maintain a good network of people. But once you have established a good relationship with someone, how do you maintain the relationship for a long time so that you can get help when you want to find a job or seek professional advice?
First of all, you have to decide who you need to you need to maintain good relationship with him for a long time depending on his professional values and your career relevance. You can find your current and potential clients, influential colleagues, and friends in your field of expertise, and make them your long-term connections.
Then, decide how much you want to connect with them. Some may keep in touch regularly, some contact once a quarter, and some keep relationships in years.
In contact, you can start by caring about their lives and asking if you can help.
If someone has a common interest in a subject, you can ask them to have a get-together, or organize a community online and share ideas.
Your network of people can be replaced by the needs of your profession and career change.

