2017年10月15日 星期日


  1. 避免打斷別人說話。這不是說你得放下手機、關掉你的電腦瀏覽器。就是不要去想你接下來要說什麼,而專注在聽別人正在說什麼。
  2. 複述回去。這看起來好像有些愚蠢,但是複述別人說過的花,可以讓人家感受到你是認真在聽他的話。
  3. 問深入的問題。問一些開放式的問題,可以讓你對問題得到清除的澄清,並且讓你們的對話更深入到對方關切的內容。
Listen carefully, don't rush to respond
It's harder to listen than to talk. Even those who listen very well sometimes interrupt people and make themselves stutter.
The following is a good way to listen:
  1. Avoid interrupting others. That doesn't mean you have to put your mobile phone down and turn off your computer browser. Just don't think about what you're going to say next, but focus on what other people are saying.
  2. Re-tell it. It seems silly, but re-telling the flowers that other has said can make you feel that you're listening to him carefully.
  3. Ask questions. Ask open-ended questions that allow you to clear the problem and let your conversation go deeper into each other's concerns.

