2017年5月5日 星期五


  1. 獨自行動。你很容易會以為可以單幹行動,實現你的想法。但是,你不要這樣做。控制你的自大,並且協調其他人來一起行動。讓大夥兒有新觀念,會讓成功的幾乎更大。
  2. 一次講完你的全盤構想。當你有好的想法要分享給大家,先簡單摘要就好,不要超過15分鐘,只做摘要。先聽大家的回應,讓大家有些討論。讓每個人可以先開始有參與的空間,逐漸的就能夠聚集共識,並且有機會調整你原來的構想。
  3. 太快放棄。在你的大計劃中,設定幾個可以接續的階段性小目標。當你遇到一些障礙,可以稍微作一些修正,但是仍然可以繼續前進。
Avoid these three mistakes when you want to change the situation
You have great ideas that can improve the performance of your work, but they may contradict or have to adjust the existing practices. You are faced with how to get the organizers to accept your new ideas.
At this time, you must avoid the following three mistakes:
  1. Act alone. It is easy to think that you can act alone and realize your ideas. But don't do it. Control your arrogance and coordinate other people to act together. Let everybody have new ideas, will make success greater.
  2. Finish your overall plan at once. When you have a good idea to share, a simple summary is good, no more than 15 minutes, only make a summary. First listen to other's response, let you have some discussion. Let other people begin to have a space to participate, gradually to gather consensus, and have the opportunity to adjust your original idea.
  3. Give up too soon. In your big plan, set several small goals that you can follow. When you have some obstacles, you can make some corrections, but you can still go on.

