- 你看來很冷酷。要讓人感受到你的溫情,你可以多關懷別人。你可以和他人做eye contact, 無論是你在說話,或是你在傾聽,將你的眼神看著對方。將你的注意力放在聽她說了些什麼,你的同事會有如你自己一般,希望被人知道她說了些什麼。
- 你讓人感覺是自私的。你平常用多少心力想到你的同事?你知道他們的觀點嗎?你可以抱著好奇心,多問你你不夠熟悉的同事。表現出你的同情態度。
- 人們認為你只會按規矩行事。你可以在死硬的規則上,保持一些彈性,尤其是那些明顯的不違法或是不傷害道德的規定。如果你一定要維護規矩,最好說出你的想法,說明按規矩辦事,對大家都有好處。
Do you know that you are a disagreeable colleague?
one likes to be with a disagreeable colleague. Even if you are the most
disagreeable person yourself, you don't like to work with another coworker. But
if you ask, "are you a disagreeable person?" Can you be self-conscious
following phenomena can make you self-conscious and can make improvements:
- You look cool. To make people feel your warmth, you can care more about others. You can do eye contact with others, whether you're talking, or you're listening, looking at your eyes. Take your attention to what she says, your colleagues will be like yourself and want to be told what she said.
- You make people feel selfish. How much do you usually use to think of your colleagues? Do you know their views? You can be curious and ask more of the colleagues you are not familiar with. Show your sympathy.
- People think you will only act according to the rules. You can die hard rules, keep some flexibility, especially those who were not illegal or not to harm the moral rules. If you have to maintain the rules, it's better to say what you think, and that it's good for everyone to behave according to the rules.