- 準備、準備、準備。盡可能挖掘更多有關這家公司的資訊,包含它的組織結構,它的企業文化,相關產業的發展趨勢,以及,如果可能的話,打聽出你的面試官的各種情報。
- 在最初30秒贏得A。第一印象是非常關鍵的。你要帶著自信的表情,從容的走進面談室,說話清楚,不要急促,先想清楚你預備告訴面試官一些什麼內容,才不會讓你表現的一副結結巴巴的。
- 說你的非凡故事。在面試的時候,許多人是問一句,只答一句,比起他所準備的求職文件的內容還要少許多。你應該預先準備好幾個精簡的自我介紹的故事,表現出你的能力可以符合工作職位的要求。你可以這麼開場:“我將告訴你關於有一次我如何解救了我的公司遇到的危機。”
Instant interview for job interview
you accept a job interview, you have only one chance to win the impression of
the interviewer. If you do well, this job opportunity may be yours. Once you
fail, you have to go home and continue sending your resume to other companies.
are the ways to improve your chances of success in job interviews.
- Preparation, preparation and preparation. Mining as much information as possible about the company as possible, including its organizational structure, its corporate culture, trends in related industries, and, if possible, getting information from your interviewer.
- Win A in the first 30 seconds. First impressions are crucial. You have to walk into the interview room with a confident expression, speak clearly and don't rush. First think about what you are going to tell the interviewer, so you won't stumble.
- Tell your extraordinary story. During the interview, many people ask and answer one question, which is much less than the content of the job documents he prepared. You should prepare a few concise self-introduction stories beforehand to demonstrate that your abilities meet the requirements of the job. You can start by saying, "I'll tell you about how I rescued my company from a crisis once."