2016年5月10日 星期二


  1. 說聲【很感謝你的時間】。你不需要不誠意而做作地表示感謝,只需要說【很感謝你的時間。】
  2. 插入一個突發的事件。這是一個比較客氣的切斷會話的方式。試試看這麼說:【不好意思,我剛想起我與朋友約好11點要見面,再不過去,就要遲到了。】,或是:【真對不起,我必須走了,我必須在5分鐘內赴約。】
  3. 建議另外訂個時間接續討論。告訴他,你會認真地閱讀他提出的檔,或是你會轉給另外一位同事研究。但是,這只有在你確實願意如此承諾,才可以另訂約談時間。
Three ways to end a lengthy conversation gracefully
A conversation that is too long will annoy you.
Here are three ways to end your conversation gracefully and politely:
  1. Speak up [Thank you for your time]. You don't need to show your gratitude without sincerity, just say, [Thank you very much for your time. ]
  2. Insert an unexpected event. This is a more polite way to cut off the conversation. Try saying this: [Sorry, I just remembered that I had an appointment with my friend at 11 o'clock, but I'm going to be late. Or: [Sorry, I have to go. I have to make an appointment in five minutes. ]
  3. It is suggested that another time be set for further discussion. Tell him that you will read his file carefully, or you will transfer it to another colleague for research. However, only if you are willing to make such a commitment can you make another appointment.

