2016年5月10日 星期二


  1. 找單獨的人交談。群體中的互動通常會讓內向者感到不適。你可以試著找個別的人做面對面的交談。
  2. 想想如何可以把自己推廣出去。內向的人通常羞赧于將自己介紹出去。但是,你可以考慮採用社交媒體來介紹自己。你可以用Facebook、微博等工具。好好寫下你的經歷、專長、興趣、以及你的興趣內容,參與一些你感興趣的話題,參與回應、討論,讓人們主動來與你接觸。這樣虛擬的接觸方式,會讓你自己感到比較舒坦。
  3. 重新充電。花一些時間多學習新知識,接觸新的新聞。如此會讓你在與人交往時有比較多的話題與人交談。
  4. 放鬆自己。設法不要讓自己感到緊張。你可以在預備與人交談前,出去外面散散心,調和自己的情緒。
Introverts can also open up connections
Establishing a network of people is critical to business development. But what if you are introverted by nature and don't like to talk to strangers in groups?
Try the following:
  1. Talk to a single person. Interaction in groups often makes introverts uncomfortable. You can try to talk to individual people face to face.
  2. Think about how you can promote yourself. Introverts are usually shy of introducing themselves. However, you can consider using social media to introduce yourself. You can use tools like Facebook, Weibo, etc. Write down your experiences, expertise, interests, and content of your interests. Participate in topics of interest to you. Participate in responses and discussions. Let people come to contact you on their own initiative. This virtual way of contact will make you feel more comfortable.
  3. Recharge. Spend some time learning new knowledge and getting in touch with new news. This will allow you to have more conversations with people when you interact with them.
  4. Relax yourself. Try not to make yourself nervous. You can go out to relax and reconcile your emotions before you are ready to talk to others.

