2016年2月7日 星期日


  1. 接受HR的篩選作業。用人部門主管需要公司的HR幫他篩選剔除掉不合適的求職者,以便節省他的時間。請接受這是必要的步驟。
  2. 解釋你為何是合格者。強調并展示你為何是合格的應征者,而不要擔心你會被剔除掉。
  3. 尊重他。考慮一下未來的機會。無論結果如何,請尊重職務邀約者。他或許會考慮將你推薦到其他的工作職位機會。
Apply for the job and try to get HR on your side
To apply for a job position, psychologically easy to interview will be responsible for the personnel officer (HR) as the enemy, or at least is an annoying level. However, if you can let him become your partnerwill make your job applying much smoother.
Next time you want to apply for a job interview, please refer to the following practices:
  1. Accept the HR screening job. The hiring manager needs the company's HR to help him filter out the unsuitable candidates so as to save time.
  2. Explain why you are qualified. Stress and show why you are a qualified candidate, and don't worry you will be eliminated.
  3. Respect him. Consider the opportunities for the future. Please respect the job offer no matter what the outcome may be. He may consider recommending you to other job opportunities.

