在許多工作場合都會遇到一種所謂的友善的敵人(Frenimy), 就是那些表面上與你保持友善,但是在和你的工作關係上是毫無生產力的同事。他會在一些重要的工作任務上讓你難以往前推動,不給你支援,甚至會故意讓你的工作失敗。
- 說出來。走過去向他說,你需要與他建立起有生產力的工作關係。讓他知道事實,向他解釋,並請他給予回應。
- 做出來。如果光是口頭溝通還是不起作用,那麼你就用電子郵件提出你對他的顧慮。如果他要求更多的資訊,就給他。如果他不回你的電子郵件,你就站到他辦公桌前,清楚的告訴他你願意與他達成一種彼此可以合作的關係。
- 散佈開來。如果這個人仍然不做出決定,或是拒絕支持你,讓你無法繼續進行工作,你就散佈出去,用同儕的集體權威來做決策。
Avoid your work friendly enemies to hold you
many workplaces, you encounter a so-called "friendly enemy"
(Frenimy), who is friendly with you on the surface, but unproductive in
relation to your work. He will make it difficult for you to push forward on
some important tasks, without support or even deliberately letting your work
How do you
work with such a colleague?
- Say it. Go and say to him, you need to build a productive working relationship with him. Let him know the facts, explain to him, and ask him for a response.
- Make it out. If just verbal communication doesn't work, then email your concerns about him. If he asks for more information, give it to him. If he doesn't answer your email, then stand at his desk and tell him clearly that you want to work with him on a relationship that can work with one another.
- Spread out. If the person still does not make a decision, or refuses to support you, so that you can't continue to work, you spread out and make decisions with the collective authority of your peers.