2016年2月7日 星期日


  1. 收集資訊。去了解決策者在選拔人員升級所考慮的關鍵因素有哪些,而衡量自己是否滿足了這些必要的條件。
  2. 展現出你的技能。確保你在當前的職務上能夠展示出升級所需要的關鍵技能。如果一時做不到,和你的老闆一起合作,讓他指導你該如何強化你的技能與工作表現,才能獲得企業內高層主管的注意,對你的能力與表現產生認同。
  3. 取得他人的回饋意見。能夠對工作充滿信心是獲得升級的一項關鍵因素。你應該了解別人對你是如何評價的。
Make yourself a priority for your boss to upgrade
It's not easy to get your boss to upgrade the opportunity. You must have a good record of performance and be able to demonstrate the necessary skills for a new position.
Consider adopting the following strategies to enable your boss to consider promoting you:
  1. Collect information. To understand the key factors that decision makers consider in selecting and upgrading personnel, and to measure whether they meet these necessary conditions.
  2. Show your skills. Ensure that you are able to demonstrate the key skills needed to upgrade in your current position. If you can't do it for a while, work with your boss and let him guide you on how to strengthen your skills and performance so that you can get the attention of top executives in the company and identify with your abilities and performance.
  3. Get feedback from others. Confidence in work is a key factor in upgrading. You should know how others evaluate you.

