2016年2月8日 星期一


  1. 評估自己的不滿意狀態。先了解你的不愉快是來自於難以看到更大的發展願景,還是困于日常性的工作。你也許可以改變後者,但是你難以改變前者。
  2. 是否有其他選擇?不要因為情緒激動而決定離職。即使你處於不快樂的情境,也先看看是否有其他的選擇機會。將幾個選擇做一個符合現實的比較,也許你的狀態并不是真的那麼糟。
  3. 測試你的假設。做幾個實驗來評估你的感受是否現實。舉例,當你的老闆高聲呼喚你去完成一份工作,而沒有顯示出他對你的技能與付出有表示感謝的意思,那麼,這也許是你可以考慮轉換跑道的時候了。
When is the time to resign?
Resignation will have a negative impact on your career development and your bank account. But it may be worse to stay in a bad environment.
Please use the following tips to assess whether the resignation is:
  1. Assess your dissatisfaction. First understand that your unhappiness is due to the difficulty of seeing a bigger development vision or being stranded in daily work. You may be able to change the latter, but you can hardly change the former.
  2. Are there any other choices? Don't decide to leave because of emotional excitement. Even if you are in an unhappy situation, let's see if there are other options. Make a realistic comparison with several choices. Maybe your state is not really bad.
  3. Test your hypothesis. Do a few experiments to assess whether your feelings are realistic. For example, when your boss calls you to complete a job without showing his gratitude for your skills and effort, then it may be the time you think about changing the runway.

