2015年12月5日 星期六


  1. 坦白。嘗試隱藏或是低調一個錯誤的重要性有可能會導致你的職務發生致命危險。你應該對所犯的錯誤保持坦白與透明,擔起你該成承擔的責任的部分,盡可能不要採取防衛的態度。
  2. 做必要的改變。錯誤是很重要的學習機會。向你的老闆以及其他對相關事件興趣的人們解釋你以後將如何改變作法。
  3. 從錯誤中恢復正常。不要讓你所犯的錯誤讓你繼續在風險中。一旦度過了錯誤的風暴後,聚焦在未來的發展。
How to recover from mistakes?
When most people admit that failure is inevitable, few really try to recover from their mistakes. The good news is that even if you make a big mistake, if you handle it well, you won't necessarily ruin your career. Next time you do something wrong, use these tips to get a smooth response.
  1. Confession. Trying to hide or understate the importance of a mistake can lead to a fatal risk to your position. You should be frank and transparent about your mistakes, take on the part of your responsibilities, and try not to take a defensive attitude.
  2. Make the necessary changes. Mistakes are important learning opportunities. Explain to your boss and other people who are interested in related events how you will change your approach in the future.
  3. Recovery from mistakes. Don't let your mistakes keep you at risk. Once you've passed the wrong storm, focus on the future.

