2015年12月16日 星期三


  1. 練習、練習、再練習。不要一見面就咳嗽,或發出含糊不清的聲音。你要一再的做事前的練習,避免當場失態。
  2. 關注在有衝擊力的重點上。你不需要復誦寫在履歷表的內容。與其說你有多少年的經歷,不如談談你在之前的工作上做出了什麽重要的貢獻,以及你希望在新工作上能夠達成什麽新的成績。
  3. 不要拘泥規矩。我們通常會被告誡不要吹噓,但是在推銷自己時必須打破陳規。你應該準備好優雅的展現自己。
How do you sell yourself in 30 seconds?
In the current economic situation, finding a job is difficult and quite competitive. You have to make sure that potential employers identify you when you are in the job interview.
Use the following techniques to sell yourself in 30 seconds:
  1. Practice, practice, and practice. Don't cough or make vague noises as soon as you meet. You have to repeatedly work before exercise, avoid on the spot.
  2. Focus on impact. You don't need to recite the contents of your resume. Rather than how many years of experience you've had, talk about what important contributions you made in your previous job and what new accomplishments you would like to achieve in your new job.
  3. Don't act up to rules. We are usually told not to brag, but we must break the rules when selling ourselves. You should be ready to show yourself gracefully.

